Archived document - "closed" to authors and reviewers #10

Closed #10 opened by DeletedUser on Document Settings ยท 5 replies

DeletedUser remarked
jflark replied

I'm not sure what's being requested here.

DeletedUser replied

Often our clients (document manager) want to "take offline" a consultation document after the consultation is done - i.e. close access to it. Can the Archive function also close access to authors and reviewers? If I was a Reviewer/Author of that document, it would have an "Archived" label beside the document name and the name would not be hyperlinked so it could not be opened/accessed. Only the Workspace Admins could access the Archived document.

jflark replied

Right now there's a few different ways to "freeze" the document and the discussion around it.

Edit freeze: Does exactly what you think it does. Only stops editing, except that admins can still edit.

Issues enabled/disabled: Again, does what you think it does. Disables the creating, viewing and replying to of issues. It's a toggle for the whole feature.

Archive: This behaves a bit like toggling both of the above settings. Even admins can no longer edit, issues can no longer be created but both the document and issues are visible, and the document is labelled as "archived".

Hiding the document from everyone except admins doesn't sound like an archive feature to me, it sounds like a privacy feature. To me, archived means "no more changes", not "offline consultation". I've pondered creating a "private" toggle but I worry about it being confusing. A document could be public, private, or specifically neither. It's as if there's 3 settings. Perhaps that's how those settings should be presented - a range of privacy with 3 settings:

  1. Available to the workspace and collaborators (default)
  2. Viewable to the public
  3. Viewable only to admins
JF jflark added the fault label

jflark replied

@mtbaumann Thoughts on the above? I think we should be very careful about privacy features. The terminology can become very confusing. Keep in mind that if you only invite admins to a workspace, and then only invite authors and reviews as collaborators, then that seems to solve this use case.

LM lisamarroquin removed the fault label

LM lisamarroquin added the invalid label

lisamarroquin replied

Going to close this comment and then reopen it.

LM lisamarroquin closed

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JF jflark closed

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